Thursday, September 24, 2009

Scarlet's Intro

Hello everyone, my name is Scarlet and this is my first year as a Running Start student. I attended an alternative community high school for three years. The school had about thirty students so coming to Whatcom was a huge change. I was born in Bellingham and I have lived here my whole life. As far as my hobbies go I do quite a wide range from gymnastics and dance to yoga and aerial silks. For those who don't know, aerial silk is a kind of circus performance; it consists of a long piece of fabric folded in two and hung from a high ceiling. Performers and people who are still learning (like me) climb the fabric and do various movements, drops and tricks. If you are interested to learn more I would recommend looking it up on You tube, Cirque du Soleil aerial silk's. That has been my passion for the last couple years. I have a silk hanging in my living room, right next to the dining room table:) I hope one day to perform with one of the larger circuses and travel the world. I love being above ground, having only my silk to hold me up; funnily enough I am terrified of heights but at the same time I love the fear.

Writing has never been one of my best subjects. In 7th grade I had a teacher who every day would have us write down anything and everything we were thinking. The spelling didn't matter and it didn't have to make a lot of sense, I loved it. However, when I started writing papers I was constantly told I needed to improve my spelling and punctuation. That’s when I started hating writing. I was embarrassed to turn in papers and my once unique ideas slipped away from me. I have written some pieces that I like but again have struggled with the grammar side of things. I hope to change that in this class and learn how to incorporate both the creative side and the correct spelling/punctuation into papers that I can feel good about.

Well, there’s a little about me. I'm very excited to write with all of you this quarter.

~Scarlet Breakspear-Knott


  1. Mr. Gillman! I was definately my most creative that year... at first, I never understood how someone could "just write" without worrying about being "good". But as the year went on, I stopped caring about perfection and began writing more freely. My thoughts would flow and I felt more confident in what was coming out onto the paper just because he didn't make us so stressed out about typical grammar/spelling stuff.
    So, power to Mr. Gillman... he was definately an inspiration to a lot of people.

  2. And by saying the 'most creatiive', I meant that was the first time I realized I had the potential to be creative :)
