Thursday, September 24, 2009

Assignment: Reading Response #1

Reading Response #1:

Using They Say/I Say to Discuss The New Literacy/Vision of Students Today

Now that we’ve read and discussed “The New Literacy” by Clive Thompson as well as the youtube video “Vision of Students Today” by KSU professor Michael Wesch, it’s time for you to “put your oar in” as Graff and Berkenstein put it in the introduction of their book They Say/I Say.

Choose to respond to one of the texts we’ve studied so far: either the article (Thompson) or the Youtube video (Wesch).

To begin your response, have a look at some of the templates for “Starting with what others are saying” in Ch. 1 (“They Say”). Begin your discussion by introducing what Clive Thompson or Michael Wesch is suggesting in the article/video, keeping in mind that not all of your readers have read his article. It is important to introduce his ideas fairly and accurately. Remember, not everyone reading this blog is familiar with his discussion or the other writers’ he refers to. In this case, it is your job to give your readers a context for why the topic you are writing about is important (Why does this discussion matter to us? What current cultural trends and thinking about technology and education do you notice in this text? How do Thompson’s/Wesch’s ideas respond to those general assumptions about technology and education?).

As you begin to summarize the text of your choice, try one of the following templates adapted from They Say/I Say (feel free to use any of the ones in the book that seem useful or helpful for you):

In his recent work, Clive Thompson/Michael Wesch suggests _______________.

Thompson/Wesch claims __________________.

After you introduce Thompson’s ideas, you might want to introduce something he hints at but doesn’t come right out and say:

One implication of Thompson’s/Wesch’s treatment of _____________ is that _____________.

Although Thompson/Wesch does not say so directly, he apparently assumes _____________.

Now, using your unique perspective as a student today, “put your oar in” to the discussion of “New Literacy” or “Vision of Students…” by utilizing the following elaborated template from the introduction.:

My own view is that ______________. Though I concede that _________________, I still maintain that _____________. For example _________________. Although some might object that _____________, I reply that _____________. The issue is important because ____________.”

This template should help you generate several ideas about the texts we’ve been studying as well as at least one good sized paragraph of writing.

This response should be at least 500 words long and posted on the course blog. Be sure to bring a hard copy to class to turn in to your instructor.

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