Monday, September 28, 2009

Natalie's Reading Response 1

Many people believe that texting, facebook, chat rooms, instant messaging, e-mail, and other technological fads are turning students into unprofessional writers. In “A New Literacy” the writer, Clive Thompson, expresses his opinion; he believes, along with KSU professor, Andrea Lunsford, that student writing is improving with the help of technology. It’s giving writing a voice. I agree with Thompson; new technology is creating a powerful and new type of writing.

Technology is extremely beneficial to students for more reasons than one. Thompson makes a good point when he says that “unless [previous students] got a job that required producing text…they'd leave school and virtually never construct a paragraph again.” Students today write everyday with the help of technology. It’s not necessarily what they’re writing but the mere fact that they are writing. Their writing is creating a new era in writing; it’s becoming personable and entertaining to read. They will continue to write, even if it’s on facebook, for the rest of their lives with great thanks to technology.

Andrea Lunsford has been studying students writing for five years. She’s examined student papers and found many myths about technology and students to be false. Such as, the myth that says students papers are filled with “texting short-forms and smileys,” she found student papers to be free of them. Smileys help give text messages a mood. When I text my friends, I use them because they add to my overall message; but in an essay I would never dream of using one. I believe students today have the knowledge to determine when different styles are accepted.
Another change in student writing today is the passion. I believe students today feel they have a voice and a right to express how they feel about a topic. Student’s “writing is about persuading and organizing and debating;” there is purpose behind their writing. Also, students use blogs to share their personal opinions on many controversial topics; creating a new world where they can express themselves without being judged or criticized for what they think, feel, or believe.

In addition, another argument many people make is technology is a distraction to students. I accept as true that technology isn’t an interruption to a student, as long as he or she doesn’t allow it to be. If a student chooses to facebook or write e-mails instead of finishing an assignment, that is ultimately his or her decision. When I have an assignment due, I put my phone on silent, stay off facebook, and get it done. If doing well in school is a priority, then the student will put aside technology and give their full attention to the assignment at hand.

In conclusion, technology is a valuable tool for students in this era. Students now have the opportunity to write frequently and in return it’s giving student writing a voice. Students can share their ideas, thoughts, and beliefs with more than just their professor. Technology has created a world where writing is popular; even if it includes smileys.

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