Monday, September 28, 2009


My names Anthony and I guess that I have to tell you about myself. I don't really do anything except sleep and eat. I just try to work for money to spend on stuff and just hang out. Now that I'm back in school i don't really have time for anything else which doesn't bother me, in fact school helps keep me out of trouble. I don't have a family except for an aunt, a cousin, and of course my cigarettes. Don't have anything planned for the future and I don't really care for it. Anyways, that's all I have to say about myself really. Sorry that this things short.

1 comment:

  1. Anthony has reminded us what the typical life of a college student is like for our generation. He insists that while in school, there's not really any time for frivolous activities. Days consist of eating, sleeping, school, and potentially homework on a large scale. I do not deny the fact that life while in school is busy, I actually endorse it. My days consist of going from school to work, and work to home at night to finish some homework. Most other students even have activities to add to this already busy schedule, whether it be volunteer activities, sports, or some of that sort. By writing this entry, Anthony has brought back into perspective how a lot of our lives change while we are going to college. If times ever get too consumed in a constant strain of work and pressure, I might recommend taking a step back, and playing some "Halo" for a few hours, maybe ten.
