Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Rodney’s Intro

Hey Everyone! My name is Rodney and I am in Anna’s English 100 class. I recently graduated from Nooksack Valley High School. I decided to go to WCC in order to pursue my AA degree in teaching. I plan on attending WWU following my time here and eventually hope to become a high school teacher. I tend to be a shy person around people I don’t know very well. But once I become comfortable with them I tend to be the exact opposite.

The type if writing I do most is probably the same as a lot of other people: texting. I text almost all the time, except for during class of course. I like texting because it is an easy way to get in touch with friends when you aren’t with them. I use texting everyday sometimes it may be in order to get in touch with a friend to plan a time to hang out, or it may just be to have a conversation with a friend.

1 comment:

  1. Okay so the little joke you played on Scott made him up set and he started swearing... But I got in trouble for the mess and I had to clean up you mess of tissues.... But you made some freshman afraid of the deer.
