Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Assignment #1 - Ruthie

In todays world technology has taken over such a large part of our everyday lives, it would almost be imposable to escape, just as Michal Walsh's video, “A Vision of Students Today” demonstrates. Each student has a different point to make about how technology affects them, and their school work, most of which came off in a negative way. “I will bring my laptop to class, but wont use it for classwork.” Statements such as this prove that technology is in some ways a distraction to some students in todays world. This issue is an important one for a few different reasons, but the one big elephant in the room is the fact that the education of todays youth determines the future of this country. Without a proper and well supported education all the hard work that generations before us have put into making this country a fabulous and safe place for us to live, will be flushed down the toilet.
To put the video into the same perspective as “They Say, I Say”, the “They Say” is society. Society is saying that technology is something that is making a difference in our world for the positive. “They” believe the more we let technology help us, the better and more easy our lives are going to become. While the video demonstrates the “I Say” half of the discussion that is saying that while technology can be very helpful yes, it can also become a major distraction and crutch that our generation has been taught to lean on. Each side of this debate has its valid points, but Walsh really seems to make a clear point about how the majority of students are being somewhat crippled by this huge advance in technology.
Trends such as facebook, and emailing in general have become the main way people are choosing to communicate and this is being proven in Walsh's video. Kids in the classroom stated that they they would read hundreds of emails and facebook profiles this year, while they would only read eight books for school. Those numbers right there show where technology stands in todays society.
My own personal view on this topic of whether technology is hurting or helping our generation is an indecisive one. While i think that the advances in todays technology has helped with education, but i also think it has hurt just as much. Using myself as an example, if my internet was working i cam guarantee that i would have had my internet browser pulled up on my screen just as often as i have had my word document open. It just becomes a distraction when you have the option to be doing other things besides school work.


  1. In this response it is said that technology is a distraction and that it has benefitted the education system but has hurt it just as much. I agree with this statement in a way that technology does have the possiblity of hurting the education system as much as it is benefitting it, but I disagree at the same time. I believe that technology CAN be a distraction as much as it is a tool in the education system, but I do not think that is ALWAYS IS a distraction. My belief is that it is the student's choice to let it be a distraction rather than taking advantage of it and using it as a tool.

  2. Ruthie's has two view's on the subject of tecnology and weather or not it's effect is helpful to students wrting. She thinks in many ways it has improved students level of education but on the other hand she claims it can be distracting. Using herself as an example she explains that while using word document is very helpful she will at the same time be viewing a non-class realted internet page.

    I agree with Ruthie's views because with everything thats good comes something bad. However, I would lean more towards the opinion of tecnonlogy being an overall helpful step up in our education.
