Monday, September 28, 2009

Hi! My name is Melissa but a lot of people call me May May, so if you want you can call me that too. Well I guess the point of posting this is to tell you a little about myself, hummmmmmm I don't know were to start...well I am a Jr. in high school and have been home schooled my whole life, well if you don't count when I went to MK school when I was 4 and my family lived in Costa Rica. ( and no, I don't speak Spanish ) I have always loved being home schooled, I have been able to do sooooo many other things, like horses, choir, violin lessons, theater, and so on. And all when everyone is in school..FUN!! Let me clear up one issue though, home schooling isn't all fun we have to work just or even harder than kids that go to school. Also home schooled kids are most of the time smarter!!!!!!! Thats cause we can go at our own pace and learn better...Also the most common question asked of home schoolers is, "do you like socialize?" Hahahaha of course we do, I have like a ton of friends, and actually a lot of them are home schooled as well sooo that makes it easy to hang out with them..Well to move on with this, I have a horse, his name is Rascal and he just turned 4 and I think he is the cutest thing in the world. His real name is Midnight's Golden Touch, but that takes a long time to say and so I just call him Rascal, or poop butt...LOL JK normally he is pretty good, but he does have his days when your sure he got up on the wrong side of the bed, on purpose. Well I guess the most interesting thing about me is that I want to one day become a FBI Special Agent. All of my friends say noooo you cant do that, your way to sweet, hehehehe...they obviously haven't seen my bad side..I don't want to do the action part just the interrogation part! So thats my goal, and I am sooo excited that I can start reaching my goal at Whatcom! OK well thats a little about myself, hope I didn't bore you to much. I am really excited to get to know more about all of you and I hope we all have a great time with English So thats it.:-)

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