Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Hello bloggers

Hi, my name is Cecily and im completely new to this whole 'blogging' experience. Let's see, where do I begin? I can be pretty bashful when I'm placed in a new situation, but bashful isn't a word I'd describe my usual self as, if I did, I'd be lying. I have always been the 'New girl,' moving between parents every couple years, between good ol' Washington and Nevada. I enjoy the cold, gray skies that accompany us for most of the year here, working out, cooking, hanging out with friends and family, jammin' out to music in my car, happily slaving away at work, salivating over the Food Network, a good book, camping trips, eating delicious food and enjoying the company of my animals!

The most common type of writing I do would have to be texting, (who'd of thunk it!). Aside from texting, I'm not doing much writing. My job doesn't require it from me and I usually communicate verbally with family and friends. But, when it comes down to it and I'm forced into a situation where writing is inevitable, I'd probably have to describe my writing style as Descriptive. I use alot of detail and like to elaborate on things, that could be considered minute to others and because of this fascination with ridiculous detail, it tends to slow me down and take me longer then I'd like to finish a project.

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