Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Mariah's Intro

Hey, I'm Mariah. I am a senior at Lynden High School, so obvioulsy I am in the Running Start program. I was born in Maui, Hawaii, but I grew up in Bakersfield, California and just recently moved to Washington about 5 years ago. I don't have much free time to actually have hobbies because I thrive on being busy so I've had 2 jobs for the passed 6 months. But if I ever did have some extra time I usually just spend it chillin with my friends. I used to play basketball, from 3rd grade until my freshman year. After that, I started working so I lost mostly all my free time, including the time for sports. Which is ok with me. I am an outgoing person once I get to know someone. I must admit, I am not the easiest person to get to know. I am very careful and picky about who I get close to and trust so it may seem as if I am a quiet person. But really, one of my favorite things to do is talk! As far as school goes, I slacked off my sophomore and junior year. I didn't really care about school. Now, it's my senior year and I want to do it right. I'm a hard worker but one of my major weaknesses is that I procrastinate hardcore. Some of my teachers say I work best under pressure, so procrastination would be one of my strengths, but now I'm trying to stay ahead.

With writing, I am definately a texter. I text all the time to set up times to hang out with friends, to find out what's going on with my family, and to just have conversations when I get bored. Working all the time I don't have much time to talk to the people I'm close to so I use texting as a form of communication. Without it, I'd probably be completely lost. Sad as it sounds, it's true. I easily send and recieve over 100 text messages a day. I never really was one to keep a diary or journal, so I never did that kind of writing. Academically speaking, I like writing persuasive essays over expository ones. I hope to become a lawyer in the future and I must say, I am pretty good with persuasion. I can get a bunch of random boring facts and organize them into an expository essay, but that's no fun to me. And even with that, I usually add my own little form of persuasion in there too.

Anyways, there's a bit about me.


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