Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Hello :)

My name is Chelsea (not “Chels” please & thank you) :). I just moved here from Vista, CA (for those of you who don’t know, that is in between San Diego and L.A.). I am currently a redhead, but I am a natural blonde (hair and at heart:) ). I am studying to become an elementary school teacher. I also enjoy art, I paint and draw, but I love going to plays and musicalsJ. I am not a shy person and like meeting new people. Warning: I am a chatterbox.

I like writing. In high school, however, I felt like we did too many papers and essays on things that meant nothing to us or we didn’t care about. When there is an issue or something I am interested I like writing about it. Because of this I will talk about my blog. I have a blog where I talk about the shows I watch (not many) and the books I read (a lot) and movies I see (used to be more). There are also a few plays. I basically summarize is and give my recommendation. I love to hear people’s feedback, though I don’t get much. I think the purpose of this writing is that I want to tell people about these things. If you think about it they are very popular topics. I love recommending a good book (well one that I liked, you’ll be the judge if it’s good for you :)). My life wouldn’t be much different without it, I just really enjoy it. It also helps me reflect on what I just read or saw. Check it out :) Thanks guys :) let me know what you think.

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