Thursday, October 8, 2009

Video Analysis

I went with an old Pepsi v.s Coke commercial to represent my, “text in a video”. In this video it demonstrates the rival that has always been between which is better, Coke-a-Cola or Pepsi. Pepsi is the pop of choice in this video. A young boy walks up to a vending machine, puts his change in and chooses to buy a Coke, and then does the same thing a second time. At this point in the video the viewer believers that he must really enjoy Coke way more than he does Pepsi, but the tables turn. He then proceeds to take the two Cokes he previously bought and use them to stand on. The Pepsi button on the vending machine happened to be too high for the little guy to reach so he bought the two Cokes not to drink them, but to use them to get to the Pepsi button. IT is shown in this commercial that the little boy does not despise Coke-a-Cola so much that he will not even waste his money on it, but that he loves Pepsi so much that he is not apposed to paying money to get his Pepsi. The little boy did however end up spending twice as much money on the Coke and he did on the Pepsi but I think that the viewers are supposed to take that as he would go to any measure and jump through any hoops to get his refreshing Pepsi. This commercial did a very good job catching the viewers attention and making its point extremely clear without any words in the entire commercial.

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