Monday, October 12, 2009

Many Professors would agree that technology is killing academic writing, however due to the technology advances students are writing more and more outside of class. Outside of class students write about what they want and how they want. Which is where the problem comes in, students take their outside of class writing into the classroom, where grammar and spelling mistakes take place. Now in my opinion I think that it is great that students are writing more outside of class and I think that teachers and professors should be grateful. But technology also has its flaws, (which I will get to later). 30 years ago students rarely wrote outside of class unless they were writing letters, poems, or what ever they enjoyed writing. I asked my father and my mother how much they wrote outside of school, my mom said rarely, when she wrote it was usually something school related. My father on the other hand wrote songs, but that was all. Now we have computers, cellular devices, video games and other technology devices, to help us teenagers practice our writing without even knowing. We are lazy writers, finding short cuts to words and phrases instead of just writing it out. We spend way too much time finding the easiest way to get around things, then we do going in depth into our conversations. Not only in writing are we not going in depth but also in other academic areas. Technology has brought a whole new world of learning, which may be bad for the next generation. According to Sven Birkert "We are experiencing in our times a loss of depth- a loss, that is, of the very paradigm of depth. Wisdom: the knowing not of facts but of truths about human nature and the processes of life." Basically Birkert is saying that now a days people have no wisdom. People use horizontal thinking and just skim the surface of ideas instead of vertical thinking which is going deep into the thoughts they may have on the idea. Birkert has changed my ideas because I now realize I am a horizontal thinker, I try to get every little piece of information instead of going deep into the information. This generation needs to find a way to make technology help us become more wise!

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