Wednesday, October 28, 2009

"Growing Up Online" Response

The Producers Rachel Dretzin and John Maggio of “Growing Up Online” explain how computers are taking over the lives of teens. Even Skinner says “[S]omeone once said to me, ‘If it’s on the Net, it’s open to anyone. There are no safeguards. Someone can always find everything.’” By posting on Facebook, MySpace, etc., They seem to believe there is no safe way of using the internet, nothing is private anymore. Your whole life can be reviled just by posting on one of these sites. Greg Bukata talks about this when he says “[S]ay you post something you don't want other people to see, like ...
all these situations going now where people are posting pictures with incriminating things like alcohol in it. People can get caught; people can get kicked out of school. I mean, it's risky, it's really risky when you put pictures on[line].” By stating this Bukata believes once you join a website like, Facebook, MySpace and all the others your life is pretty much open for the world. You can see when someone is in a relationship, when they break up, and pretty much anything about them. Whoever you add as a friend, whether or not you know them, they can take what you add and post it elsewhere. This video also talks about online bullying. It is easier for kids to fight online then it is in person. They can send their friends messages about you that they might not want you seeing and it is pretty open so normally you would most likely see it.
I use the internet all the time, its almost like part of my life because I use it for some many things. Facebook, School, and just when I’m bored, like YouTube. I think it has a good impact because without Facebook I would not be able to talk to so many people that I do, like friends that live far away. It is also good so I can do my school work, I’m taking an online class, so the internet is very important right now. Without our computer I would constantly have to be somewhere else, like the library or the school. I would probably text more too, if I didn’t have a computer, because I socialize on the computer with my friends a lot.

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