Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Growing Up Online

Growing Up Online

Frontlines story "Growing Up Online" produced and directed by Rachel Dretzin and John Maggio, was about how internet is affecting teens and kids. Internet is suppose dto be a place where people can socialize with friends, be able to find sources for home work, and entertainment. The video showed teens who were addicted to the internet and varies adults and there opinions about how kids should or should not have computers. Some adults were saying that the kids should give them there passwords for everything so safety reasons. Others were saying that the internet can be safe as long as kids are taught the proper ways to make it safe, like the stop and block method. Most kids have a whole another personality life online that there parent's don't even know about, 160 million people are user on with either Myspace or Facebook.
The internet used to be a big part of my life. When I was in middle school we had gotten our first house computer, and I remember being on it daily, even though at the time it wasn't consider the cool thing to do yet. But after several years I became less and less interested in the computer social life and began only using it for when ever I had home work and needed to research something. I believe I became less interested because texting became the new quicker way to have a social life. If I the internet taken away from me today, the only affect I'd feel from it, is that I would start having to go to the library more often. But if I had it taken away when I was younger I could defiantly see how my social life would have been altered.

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