Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Owl Has Flown

In my essay I talked abotu how the "New Literacry" is how the generation now writes. The video talked about how students can actually save us when we have the technology. But we don't know how to use the technology to help us. "Technology isn't killing our ability to write. it's reviving it - and pushing our literacy into bold new directions." The type of writing that is done on the internet is usually to an audience. The only thing is that college students openly talked about, "I Facebook through most of my classes." I believe if we didn't let the technology distract us then we might be able to save our culture.

In "The Owl Has Flown" Sven Birkerts states, "the explosion of data- along with general societal seculariztion and the collapse of what the theorists call the 'master narratives... has all but destoryed the premise of understandibility." Basically what Birkerts is saying is that the more data that is around us and the more that we grow through media the more liturature suffers. The way that we read and write has changed so much and become so different has caused everything to change. But when you look at what Birkerts is saying about how the secularizition or seperation from church in writing has collasped the old ways of liturature. Liturature has changed but it has created new ways to write. We have traded in the old ways for new and that's not always a good thing like in Birkerts oppion. personally i believe that as the world develops then technology will too and in time we will be able to use it for good and not just a distraction.

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