Thursday, October 8, 2009

Reading response 2

The Asics commercial will send you running to the local sports shop to buy all your wanted sporting goods right after watching the commercial.

Asics is a brand that makes different types of sporting attire, from athletic shoes to sporting attire and accessories. The commercial begins with an empty patio, and quickly moves to someone riding on a skateboard. The skateboard’s white wheel turns into a black and white soccer ball, the foot that is wearing on of Asics shoes. Then the view switches to above the skateboarder who is riding through people playing a game of racket ball. Next, they switch to showing people running down the stairs, all of which are wearing the Asics brand of shoe. All of these people are entering into the patio. Music starts to play and many of the people start doing black flips, cartwheels or just even dancing. Many other sports are shown such as baseball, volleyball, hockey, tennis, and Frisbee. The frame switches back to the stereo, and the music is rewind. The final screen is the patio filled, with the music playing everyone doing something, and a narrator saying “sound mind, sound body, Asics.”
The company shows you many different types of activity. First of all of their different products being used. Everyone seems to be wearing their brand of the shoes. They are trying to make people think that they are the best athletic shoes on the planet, because of the many different types that can be purchased. The company wants the watchers to only think of that one company when going and looking at athletic equipment to purchase. By having all the people walk down the stairs into the patio showing only the shoes is another way to sell their product. Asics wants you to believe that “everyone” wears or can wear their shoes. From soccer to tennis all the activities that are shown, are to get you up moving. If you are active you feel better, and you might want to purchase the products. I used to think that Asics only sold running shoes, now after watching the commercial I know that if I ever need shoes to play tennis I know what brand to go and purchase. This is exactly what they want the people to think when planning to pick up a new activity. Hopefully this commercial makes people get in better health.

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