Thursday, October 8, 2009

Reading Response 2 commercial I have chosen for my response is a Geico insurance commercial. It is involving the Geico gecko and a man symbolizing the CEO of the company.
The commercial begins with the gecko and the man sitting facing each other at a desk. The gecko is eating a bag of chips as the man begins to explain how Geico has been saving people money for 70 years now, and how everyone wants value for their dollar. After his explanation about the company’s history the man begins to rummage around his desk to find the very first dollar he ever earned. As he is searching the gecko has a flash back of himself buying the chips from a vending machine, there he realizes that he had found and used the man’s first earned dollar to buy his snack.
From this commercial we immediately learn that Geico is a trustworthy company, because it has been dedicated to saving their clients money for 70 years now. We also learn that Geico believes that their clients should be receiving the best value possible for all of their hard earned dollars. Just from watching the first few seconds of this commercial we are able to gather and infer all of this information.
As we continue to watch the commercial we can conclude that the main message is that Geico is working hard to save our hard earned money. However, besides this obvious message there is also a not so obvious one as well. As we all know America is currently in an economic crisis, a lot of people are cutting back on their spending in order to save their money. Geico is suggesting that during this hard time in our economy if people begin to switch and use their insurance it will help them save even more money; compared to if they stayed with their current insurance.

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