Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Ideological Criticism

In a Coca Cola commercial which was aired for the Super bowl XLI it is about the “Coke Side of Life.” The commercial is based on a excellent video game Grand Theft Auto. There is a reckless drive that is violating traffic laws, the man parks at a store and goes into a store and gets a Coca Cola within a second of drinking it he automatically changes his ways and starts helping out, donating and just being an overall good person, all with drinking Coca Cola. “Give a little bit of love and it all comes back to you,” a catchy line in the background music that is being played. This commercial has a myth to it, that if you drink coke that its all going to be better and you will start doing good and you will just overall feel happy and cheerful and you will start doing good. It is based on a video game, so it attracts those gamers out there. With the catchy song and great upbeat it automatically draws you in. They also have animals in it attracting those animal lovers. This commercial mainly shows that a crook that is committing crimes goes and gets a coca cola and within seconds of drinking it he has become a great person that is helping others out, giving to the poor, and returning purses to old ladies. Overall just watching this commercial I am feeling that they are giving a message of that with drinking Coca Cola you will become more of a great person that is loving and caring. I believe that this commercial has done an effective job in selling its product. They are attracting gamers, animal lovers and it has nice catchy music. If you drink Coca Cola you will experience the “Coke Side of Life” is like the main thing about this commercial.

1 comment:

  1. Holly, Kai & Arashdeep

    The ad hopes the viewer will surrender to the thought that good things will happen to the world, and it also hopes its viewers will drink coke. The gaps of the myth is that drinking coke is not going to be what makes you do good deeds in life. There are other factors that makes a person do good things, like their personality, and drinking a soda is not going to affect how many good deeds you complete in a day.

    The music in this ad influences your reading because as youre watching the commericial it is also saying, "give a little love and it all comes back to you." This contributes to the overall message of the ad because it starts singing this as they're drinking coke.
