Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Champions, enthusiasm, amazing athleticism and many recognizable figures, are what you see in the new Gatorade Lock It Up commercial. The first thing that attracts your attention is the music, everything that that appears in the commercial is to the beat of the song. Any kick, jump, dunk, even victory dance all appear rhythmically to the upbeat music. Brief glimpse of Gatorades appear pounding on the table through the more intense beats of the song. Famous athletes are shown in times of success or victory. Throughout the entire commercial there is no narration, Gatorade does not make any verbal statement, but the idea that Gatorade is trying to present is easily recognized. All of the most popular sports in America are shown in this advertisement so that American could experience a sense of pride when the watch this commercial. I think the idea that Gatorade is presenting is that pride, success, and victory go hand in hand with Gatorade. Success is what is being advertised, success represents the American dream. This commercial sells product because everybody wants to be successful, in the advertisement there is a race car driver who seems to have won a really important race because he seems really exited and he seems to be celebrating. Of course in his hand is a Gatorade bottle. The commercial does not share any information about the drink, it also does not make any statement of the advantages of consuming this drink. The commercial still works because it makes the viewer believe that Gatorade is the recipe for success.


  1. Gatorade is for anyone regardlesss of your socioeconomical position, race, gender, whether your disabled or temporarily able bodied, national origin, or chosen athletic acitvity sexual orientation or language. Your heroes/the best of whatever event drink gatorade why not you. Power relations show that people in power drink Gatorade. Play up to the cutural reperesntation of certain ethnicities performing better in certain sports.
