Wednesday, October 7, 2009


band aid-

When I was a child I believed I was invincible; that and I and the other little people I knew were truly the heroes we imagined; the kind of heroes who always made narrow escapes and lived happily ever after. My mother wished I might play with dolls instead of scraping my knees and scarring my elbows on the playground. My mother couldn't control my bruises but could control the treatment she gave them. When it comes to the topic of scraped knees what do you reach for? Most people look for a BAND-AID. BAND-AID has such the power that all bandages are referred to as BAND-AIDS, kind of like Kleenex and tissue paper. Kids will receive an "ouch" and ask for a BAND-AID even if not necessary claiming "its all better now." The BAND-AID commercial features two children of different backgrounds climbing trees, playing with a dog, jumping and in general being young children. The children sing a catchy jingle how BAND-AIDS protect them "no matter what." This commercial offers parents the idea they can protect their child’s health and through an extension of their health, their life. Band Aid lulls parents into a false sense of relief. Children will get hurt; it is a child’s duty as new visitors to this planet. Every person has some experience as what goes on in a small child’s mind; we can all pull our imaginations together as to what a little person might do for entertainment. Children must stick their fingers in the unknown, jump off monkey bars, test their strength and then jump off something bigger.Although none of them have said so directly, BAND-AID commercials often give the impression that a mother can control their child's health status by using BAND-AID bandages. In their commercials BAND-AID offers the idea of protection and a healthy life when using their products. They offer protection form germs and infection "from the brand you trust." The reason some might trust their brand is because its a household name since 1920or maybe because BAND-AID sent their bandages overseas during World War II and its been passed down through generations of goofy accidental kids. BAND-AID may let you think you can control your child's health but in reality nothing is safe when entrusted into a toddler.

1 comment:

  1. giggle represents innocence and happiness. We assume as americans that all chidlren should be out playing and havign fun when in reality children in other countries are alreadsy working and not enjoying their childhood. In the clip gender roles are present, an example is when the little girl is in the sand box and the boy has the opportunity to be more adventurous in his play. The audio is a sing along little kids love sing alongs!!!!!
