Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Coke advertisement

What I noticed about this particular advertisement was that two very popular television characters are fighting over a bottle of coke. The advertisement started out with a normal looking parade and everyone around looking happy making the commercial seem more festive. But then all hell brakes loose when the two parade floats (the two popular TV characters) start fighting over the other parade float which happens to be a bottle of coke and the whole time all of the bystanders are in a state of shock. In order to understand the joke behind the advertisement you have to know who these two characters are. Most people would probably know which would allow them to catch on to the joke but others might be unsure of what is happening in the commercial. Most Coca-cola ads run back a long time with numerous different commercials making their latest commercials all the more entertaining. But what I believe to be the most ingenious part of the advertisement was that a classic peanuts character (Charlie Brown) comes in and steals the coke that the two famous TV characters were fighting over after which they put up some random attempt at a witty slogan. I believe this to be an attempt to make coke look like an “in” thing next to the popular characters which would send the message that coke is loved by these characters so it makes you cool to drink it. Most of today’s society craves popularity making this advertisement just another subliminal message caused by our assumptions. Overall I would say that this type of advertisement would make anybody think about drinking one of the Coca-Cola Company’s beverages.

1 comment:

  1. Anthony,Brittany, and Cameron

    8. If characters we love and identify with want coca-cola then we should want coke!

    10. The upbeat music makes us happy and excited making it seem fun and enjoyable which in turn makes coke seems fun and cool!
