Wednesday, October 7, 2009

David Archuleta Commercial

This is a thirty second video of David Archuleta. He is an American Idol favorite and first runner up of his highly anticipated debut Album. His number one hit song “Crush.” It is a very well known song and shows a short clip of his music video. They are playing “Crush.” which is a very happy song to get everyone interested in it. Since the song is so well known they probably believe it will help sell the Album. To get the watchers interested, David is playing the piano on a dock, which is not something anyone ever does! So that everyone will be entertained, he is also playing games with friends and looking like they are having a lot of fun. If the people that are watching are interested they will continue watching and most likely buy the Album and Ringtone that is also advertised. They are giving away a Nintendo Wii hoping that will help sell their product. This commercial is originally from Singapore. This means David is a very well known and well rounded artist. There are many different places interested in his music. Most girls around the world are in love with David Archuleta (like in the video he is surrounded by girls) so he seems to sing about girls, which will probably get them buying the Album! In the video they have someone talking about his new Album and sounding excited about it, probably trying to get others excited too. It is actually an interesting commercial to watch, especially if you are a David Archuleta fan. It will definitely get you watching his Official Music Video, which would also get you wanting to buy his Album. So altogether this video will probably get quite a few people buying his Album after they watch it. David Archuleta probably hopes so.

1 comment:

  1. Anthony, Brittany, Cameron

    1.We believe that the myth/narrative in this commericial suggests that if you buy this artists album then you will get girls and achieve happiness.

    2. I believe the purpose of this ad (as well as most ads) is to sell the album being advertised.
