Monday, October 5, 2009

Coming to Terms with Scholes's essay 'On Reading a VideoText'

Our group: Holly-Kai-Arashdeep
paragraphs 1&2

1. A key phrase in these paragraphs that Scholes discusses is "By cultural reinforcement, I mean the process through which video text confirm viewers in their ideological positions and reassures them as their membership in a collective cultural body." Scholes is stating that every video text represents how people are apart of their cultural community.

2. Scholes is saying that cultural reinforcement is an element to video texts.

3. What does "bureaucratized" mean? We looked up the meaning of bureaucratized and when Scholes states, "bureaucratized world" he means a divided world.

4. Schole's central point is that overall most people believe what they see on television.

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