Monday, October 5, 2009

"Coming to Terms with Scholes' essay" - Anthony,Cameron, Brittany Paragraphs 1 and 2

1. What are some of the key terms/words or phrases Scholes uses in these paragraphs? How would you define theese terms and/or phrases in your own words?

Some of the key terms in these 2 paragraphs are narrativity and cultural reinforcement. Narrativity is how we recieve what was shown to us and cultural reinforcement is making our own assumptions and filling in the blanks of the video with what we already know about our culture

2. What do you think Scholes is saying here? In other words, what do you think he is trying to tell his reader(s) and why might he think this message is important?

Scholes is trying to say that we base our assumptions of a video text by the cultural references that we already know and that video text is changing our cultural and is filling in the gaps that other art forms don't when it comes to reaching our audience.

3. What are some of the questions?

We didn't have any questions because the text was self explanitory.

4.Thinking in terms of this essay as a whole project, what do you think are Scholes central idea(s) or major claim(s) that he wants his reader(s) to understand?

That as a society we need to be critical and analyze forms of media and also that video texts allow us to process and come up with assumptions based on our own cultural assumptions.


  1. Did you guys do paragraph 1&2 or 3&4?

  2. we did 2 and 3 actually..It looks like we made a typo at the top lol
