Thursday, October 8, 2009

Reading response 2

We almost seem hypnotized to the television commercials playing today. All the colors, the synced music with the edit cuts, the action, the comedy, anything you can think of, we just cannot take our eyes off it. For those thirty or so seconds, all of our attention is paid to the television screen. You hear people talk about how much they hate T.V. commercials but the fact is when one comes on that catches your attention, your not going to turn away from it. If visual effects were not added to commercials than they most definitely would not have nearly as much impact on viewers.

In the 2009 Gatorade commercial it shows many professional athletes giving it their all in the sports they participate in. The commercial is basically edited to the music beat playing in the background, slamming down Gatorade bottles, athletes sweating bullets of Gatorade, and epic moments from games. The commercial has very quick cuts that match up with the beat perfectly. This Gatorade commercial showcases the idea of what Gatorade supposedly does to athletes. The idea of a myth I am pulling out of the Gatorade commercial is that if you drink Gatorade you will turn into some superstar athlete, or sweat out Gatorade like you see in every commercial they have put out.

There are many commercials these days are drawing in our attention with new technical and visual aspects. Maybe we should be taught this way in the classroom? Anyways, a lot catches the eye to us, more visually than informatively, as the Gatorade commercial did to me. Whoever thought that simple effects would make such a different view we have when we see commercials, from the song chosen, to the athletes in the video all I can say is, that’s G.

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