Thursday, October 8, 2009

Mac vs. PC

In the Mac vs. PC commercial produced by Apple there is a dialogue between two men representing two brands of computers, one being a Mac the other a PC. The dialogue begins with them announcing which company they represent and the variety of functions they offer. Throughout the commercial, the line drawn between the two men is effectively used to prove a point and make the Mac more sellable.
There is a significant difference between the two men, which represents a key difference in lifestyle and personality. A younger man who is wearing jeans, t-shirt, and a hoodie portrays the Mac. This appearance portrays a casual yet cutting edge lifestyle. In contrast the PC, played by an older man, wears a suit and tie with hair combed over his bald spot giving him nerdy and outdated look. From the moment the men appear on the commercial, their look exemplifies their personality. Technology is constantly changing and improving. The PC’s personality of an old fashioned dork works to make the PC product less appealing. The personality of the Mac creates an attractive and new product.
In this Mac vs. PC commercial the main point Apple emphasizes is slowness of the PC versus the efficiency of the Mac. This slowness is shown when the PC cannot get through the commercial without freezing twice and starting over repeating what he already said. The Mac runs smoothly through the commercial without any hesitations showing his speed and efficiency.
In order for this commercial to be effective there has to be a clear distinction made between the two men, and the Mac needs to be shown as significantly better than the PC. Apple accomplishes this task by the way that they dress and communicate with each other. The Mac comes out with the upper hand by confidently leaving the commercial with the frozen PC in his wake.

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