Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Fitting In

Fitting In

He grows up aspiring to be like all the greater Clydesdale horses, and be able to haul the heavy Budweiser wagon, but there is a one problem, he is a donkey. But yet he still holds on to his dream of one day helping to tow the wagon with the other horses, so he starts to train like the Clydesdale horses and even tries to look like them. Then to his immense delight he is allowed an interview with the lead horse, they ask him why he feels that he should have the honour of pulling alongside them he response with, well we don’t know what he really says because all we hear is a brae, but latter we observe as the cart comes in to sight with the little donkey in the lead pulling along with the other horses. His dream was fulfilled.

1. I consider that the message is, when you work hard your dreams will become reality. The sense I get from this story, is dreams are always in reach of you through hard work.
2. The myth is that it’s not always possible to reach your goals through hard work. Working hard will get you closer, but still you might not be able to achieve them.

For this donkey, giving up is not an option, he perseveres on till he gets what he had set out to accomplish, the impossible. He goes against the tide, and against all odds he succeeds. We look at this and instantly we feel inspired and motivated to carry out the impossible, we are swayed into feeling that the impossible can always be achieved. That is the myth that this commercial holds, a good majority can be accomplished through work, but not all can be. Having goals can be a positive thing in life but also looking on the realistic side of things can be negative when it doesn’t come out the way you desired it to be.

1 comment:

  1. Group= Kayla Kyle Melissa

    10: How does the audio or musical component of the test influence your reading?

    The audio in this commercial explains the whole story and what is happing throughout the ad. Without the audio the commercial would not have the same effect and the viewers would not understand the meaning.
