Thursday, October 8, 2009

reading response to a Pepsi commercial

It begins with an older man and a young girl walking into an Italian restaurant. Grandpa orders a pizza and the little girl orders a Pepsi. The waiter looks at the girl and says Pepsi… sure here is your Pepsi. You can then see the waiter pouring her a Coke. The theme music from the "GodFather" starts to play as the little girl takes a sip of the soda. Then in the voice of an old Mafioso, reminiscent of Marlon Brando, the girl says to the waiter "Hey… Come here. I want you to listen carefully. We both know that I ordered a Pepsi and you insult me and my entire family by bringing me this… whatever this is." While she is saying this, the entire restaurant comes to a stop. Old men are stopped with their forks hanging just outside their mouths. Still in the Brando voice the girl tells the waiter "that being a civilized person, I want to give you the chance to make amends. The waiter staring slack jawed and amazed, comes to a start and says sure, then hands the little girl a can of Pepsi. As soon as she gets the Pepsi can she goes back to the cute little girl voice and says "Thank you". The little girl is obviously satisfied, she lets out a loud sigh, kisses her fingers and says "Gratci"
Because we have become so familiar with the whole Mafia mystique due to "The Godfather" and "The Soprano’s" we know as soon as the music begins to play that this is going to spoof the genre’. The commercial uses the cute little girl to appeal to the innocent in all of us. When the girl asks for a Pepsi and is instead given a Coke we are shown how important the difference is between these two drinks. The shocking change in persona between the sweet little girl, and the hard core, pissed off Mafioso, is used to illustrate this point. We the viewers are pushed toward seeing Pepsi as the good choice, and Coke as the evil stand in. The waiter gives her a very recognizable can of Pepsi, so that we know what she is getting. As soon as this is done she reverts back to the cute little girl voice and says "Thank you". Taking a drink she is obviously satisfied with her soda, and lets out a sigh, kisses her fingers and says "Gratci".
Having grown up in the culture that watched these movies, and has heard "Pepsi… The choice of a new generation" more times than I can remember, I immediately recognize all the cues put out in this commercial. The humorous take on the Mafia movies, the young girl rejecting the Coke and demanding the Pepsi she wanted, all these moves are used to reinforce the advertisers assertion that Pepsi is the choice we should make.

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