Sunday, October 11, 2009

Reading Response to Birkerts

In the in class essay I wrote about Clive Thompson article, I talked about how technology is important to writing these days. I talked about how technology is improving kids today ability to write. I said that through technology kid's are able to talk to a wider audience and make there writing feel more important to them and not that there writing is being read by one person or just a teacher and get no real feeling of writing for a purpose. But technology allows kid's to be able to use websites such as face book or even use cell phones for texting to communicate to larger groups of people and have the feeling of writing to an audience that makes them feel like there is a purpose to what they are saying.
Sven Birkerts talks about how in the past when there was no technology that people read fewer things than people in present time and made those people in the past were better readers because they read more in depth, in his article "The Owl Has Flown." He said people current days have so much reading material that they skim through books never looking a deeper meaning of the book, like finding all the hidden messages. Where as people way back in the day had few books like The Bible or Almanacs reread there same books over and over, and were able to get a sense of deeper meaning out of them making them better readers. Birkerts stats, "When books are rare, hard to obtain, and expensive, the reader must compensate through intensified focus, must like Menocchio read the same passages over and over, memorizing, inscribing the words deeply on the slate of the attention." (Pg. 30) Basically, Birkerts is saying that when material to read to hard to get people cherish the books they already have and just reread them till they have them memorized completely.
Birkerts article "The Owl Has Flown" has changed my views a bit. Before i thought technology was completely positive for advancing kid's ability to write. And now that I Know that having to much reading material and have so many places to write could hinder your writing. Being able to write when ever where ever could make it so your writing does not have a deeper meaning or help it become better writing.

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