Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Diet Pepsi Max


Pepsi made a commercial about there new product Diet Pepsi Max, which is suppose to have more caffeine and ginseng (Not really a new product came out last year). The commercial is about people doing there every day lives but not being able to stay awake throughout the day. And constantly having there head fall down from being tired and not having there daily dose of caffeine to keep them awake. In the commercial they are trying show how you can relate to this commercial by all the different areas and places people can get drowsy and dose off. There’s a myth or ideology depending on who you are that you need caffeine or other enhancers to keep you awake either with or without the normal eight hours of sleep most people need to be able to have a good days worth of rest. They also get you interested by the music which has a catchy toon, and also plays a tune that beats with the rhythm of the people who keep on dosing off (There heads bob down with the beat). The commercial mainly shows people at there jobs and people do not want to be sleeping on the job, but also show people in everyday life scenarios which can be related by every one. The ad is trying to sell the idea that Pepsi has what it takes to keep you up all day and be able to energize you and keep an up beat on your day. It’s actually a pretty funny commercial too that draws the viewers attention; they have people looking like bobble heads and in one of the senses in the back round you see bobble heads bouncing. Even though there are alternate ways of getting un drowsy Pepsi company is still able to sell its product, which also could be cause it taste good to people.

1 comment:

  1. While analyzing this commercial I noticed how pepsi-max is not only advertising a product, but also fueling the cycle of consumerism by portraying mostly people at work. By focusing on workers this commercial reinforces values of industrialism prevalent in the united states, supporting the idea that we should strive to be hard workers despite fatigue or illness. It reveals how we place our identity in our jobs which in turn bolsters the economy, making rich people richer....
