Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Video Text

Nike’s my better than your better commercial starts out with Ladanian Tomlinson at a press conference saying ‘My better is better then you’re better”. After Tomlinson’s introduction there is a list of athletes training in each sport, text comes on over the training listing that whatever attribute they are training is better. At the very end of the commercial text displays saying My better is better then youre better and Tomlinson ends it by saying thank you for coming.
To start of my analysis we have to have know who the football star Ladanian Tomlinson is, which means that we as the audience because we are American should watch football and know who he is. This is an example of how a commercial works in today’s society, we are assumed to have a grasp and have background knowledge already so that the ad can tell a complete story in such short time. The ad creates the myth that if you have Nike athletic gear, that your training will be better than your opponents training. They can effectively do this because they use the football super star Ladanian Tomlinson to show that if he wears Nike products then he has an edge on his opponents. Nike can do this because with the correct background knowledge that we are assumed to have (because we are American and watch football) we know that Tomlinson is a phenomenal football player. Nike also portrays that you should wear their athletic equipment because all the most serious and dedicated sports athletes wear them, giving you the impression that if you are a serious athlete you should also wear Nike’s equipment. Nike effectively does this by not only including Tomlinson in the video but many other prominent athletes in many different sports into the video.

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