Monday, November 9, 2009

Cynthia Selfe

Cynthia L. Selfe a renowned author claims in her text “Lest We Think the Revolution is a Revolution.” That “ Like the land of equal opportunity narrative, the Un-Gendered Utopia story can appeal at a romantic level to many Americans, while, at the same time, terrifying us on a practical level.” Selfe further along talks about how we as Americans say and think that gender roles need to be eliminated and that there needs to be women and men doing what they want and not necessarily what they believe they should do. But in fact we aren’t ready for this as a people and when the time actually comes for these things to happen we retreat to our normal male and female roles and allow little growth in terms of gender diversity in the workplace and positions of power.
I believe Selfe is mistaken, because she is overlooking what has gone on in our recent history, especially with the previous presidential race. There was a female candidate in Hillary Clinton, who almost won the democratic nomination, and there was little having to do with her being a woman but more to do with her ideas. But even on the republican side of things, Sarah Palin was the republican vice president nominee, and there was very little criticism to the idea of having a woman in a traditionally male dominated office. While neither woman won the position each was going for, there wasn’t a huge deal made out of women trying to make a move in politics which has been associated as a “man’s” job in our society.
I countered Selfe’s idea using Arguing the other side with the first template. I stated how she overlooked the present trends even in politics. Where women are starting to make a name in a field that gives immense power that has been traditionally dominated by males in the past.

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