Monday, November 9, 2009

Cynthia Selfe-Reading response

My group focused more on the end of Cynthia Selfe's essay "Lest We Think the Revolution is a Revolution" she focuses more on how the roles of parent, housewife, and secretary/boss are based on classified roles in which American women are traditionally defined. Women in this essay play the roles of being the typical mother, the beauty, and the seductress, often being the target for claims based on what roles we play in life as women. When technology is involved it is hard to imagine a woman being "the boss" and the man being the one at home taking care of the kids thus being the reason why tradition hasn't changed and change itself is hard to imagine. Americans are not up for radical change which is why the roles of the typical "male boss" is still intact and the typical "male president" has yet to be changed and women are the stay at home mothers, whereas others are either the seductress or the just the beauty in which that woman is "entitled to have whoever she wants" based on her beauty. Outside of the workplace men are typically classified as bikers, nerds, and sex maniacs. In the workplace men keep it professional and most people wouldn't be able to guess what they're up to outside of the workplace until they see what the boss is up to themselves. Americans find it exceedingly difficult to even imagine a change in which individuals experience new opportunites and men and women could get along in the work field whereas they bump heads. If change was to occur women could be in roles other than those classified as the seductress, beauty, and mother; and men don't have to the bikers, geeks, or sex maniacs but could be something rather appreciated in the workplace by both woman and men where they don't bump heads based on if it's a "mans job" or a "womans job". Technology in school is considered to be a distraction but educators have yet to serve the students the possibility that technology can also represent contributions and success in which students can be proud of. Technology in school is only being taught one way rather than both ways, where students could be informative technology scholars their really just experts in technology users. To be an accomplished technology teacher in subjects like English they have to be taught properly and informed correctly of even the technology flaws and imperfections but also the productivity of technology at the same time. With or without technology change is hard to imagine and even harder to pursue when challenging hummanity in this world dealing with racism, classism, and sexism it is easy to say that change is a difficult thought to enact on but it is our responsibility as citizens to urge the importance of change.

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