Monday, November 9, 2009

Uncovering Values

Clive Thompson’s claim that, “The modern world of online writing, particularly in chat and on discussion threads, is conversational and public, which makes it closer to the Greek tradition of argument than the asynchronous letter and essay writing of 50 years ago,” rest upon the questionable assumption that the Greek style of argument is more effective. In doing so, Thompson assumes it is easier for all students to write this specific way. The back and forth conversational style of writing seems to be preferred by Thompson, but what he overlooks is the preference of some students by focusing on this new style of writing. Some students would rather write the traditional five paragraph essay due to the fact a template is provided. The five paragraph essay is simple, straight forward, and easier for the reader to understand. Kim Sayler, a professor at Western Washington University states, “As a student in my previous years, I find the predictable asynchronous essay to be less complex and complicated.” As Sayler points out, it is not only easier for the writer but for the reader to comprehend as well.

-We used both templates:
X's claim that____rest upon the questionable assumption that____.
"___" by focusing on ____, X overlooks the deeper problem of ____.

-We were civil about countering his opinion, we weren't rude or disrespectful.

-We found a surfacing concept that he left unexammed: he says the Greek tradition of arguement is a superior type of writing.

Alex, Kim, Esther, Ruthie, JT, Trevor, Chelsea

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