Wednesday, November 4, 2009

National Geographic Response

National Geographic has been an established magazine in American culture for a considerable amount of time. IN Shekhar Desphande's article "The Confident Gaze" he makes note of the volume of National Geographic by tell his readers that it is the 3rd largest magazine subscription in the United States. Shekhar suggests that National Geogphic doesn't accurately portray the conditions of what are going in the places documented in the magazine. Despande believes that National Geographic is writing their magazine to sell to an audience by framing the information so it is appropriate and fits into the context of the American peoples lives. Despande claims "This power t o transform the most repulsive results of human actions around the world into images that are digestible is what makes for the culture of National Geogrphic." Shankar Despahnde believes that Natinal Geographic water down their finding and translates their message to the American audience to make them more comfortable with themselves because of their choosing to be civil.

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