Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Response to Cynthia Selfe

In her article “Lest We Think The Revolution is a Revolution” Cynthia Selfe states “the new electronic landscape retains a value on innovation, hard work, and the individual contributions of people of both genders, but only as they are practiced appropriately-within the traditionally gendered contexts we have historically and culturally ratified for women and men in our culture.” Basically what Selfe is saying is that technology is innovating for everyone, but only used by men in women in culturally appropriate settings.

While some Americans still feel this way, It is no longer an issue in this day and age. I think Cynthia Selfe is mistaken because she overlooks the fact that sex doesn't matter in a large majority of careers today. Now a days Men and Women are equal. Men can be Nurses, and Women can be Construction workers. Whether you are Male or Female now a days you can do whatever you want. While a small number of people “old fashion” or whatever you want to call it, may still feel that Men are the Labor's and Women take care of the house and family, I still maintain that it's not an issue today. And that technology is not being used based on sex.

The countering move I used is arguing the other side. I did this by showing that Cythina Selfe overlooks the fact that many careers today are not Gender specific, and that a lot of Women are getting jobs today that once were men only jobs. In result women as well as men are using technology in many different ways.

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